How To Make Money Online
If you are looking to make money online then this will be the most important webpage you ever read.
I just moved to TX for the second time in my life and I’m excited that it is shaping up to the be the last time. I don’t intend to stay TX in fact I intend to retire on a lake up in Michigan (maybe spend winters somewhere warm).
Why do I say I’m retiring at the ripe old age of 33? Well this little website you are on is “evergreen” and growing. What that means is I get natural traffic from Google and Yahoo and all those other search engines out there.
The visitors keep coming and coming and coming... for free.
This is important because traffic to your website can be turned into dollars in your pocket... and this website among my others is creating “passive income” meaning I get checks every month no matter where I live and no matter how much time I put into my site for any given month.
I’m an engineer (definitely not a sales guy). If you know any engineers you know you can pick them out a mile away. Super smart looking (aka nerdy) and social recluses we are. I have learned that I despise “selling” and much more prefer no pressure marketing.
I'm telling you that because is a social nerd with zero business skills can do this then so can you.
With that I would like to share some information with you on how to make money online.
One my superpowers is the ability to take any process and break it down into simple bite sized chunks and this includes the process of how to make money online.
There is quite a bit to this making money online and I am going to give you the overview you need right now to get started. Just so you know I could train a monkey to do this now... so you can do this even if you don't have any internet or sales experience.
It was not easy figuring this out... the good thing is the secrets I have painstakingly discovered over the last 7 years I now can teach you in a matter of days. What has taken me years to learn I have packaged up so you can learn it in hours.
Before we get started... I know how much crap is out there on the internet and I know how difficult it is to trust anyone on the web. Been there done that and let me tell you I hate all the evildoers out there ripping off you and me to make a quick buck and disappear into the ether. If you feel that way right now then just go ahead click the back button, no hard feelings.
Still here? Good. Here is my promise... there is no BS here because I know if I can get you started to making money and I can help you get past the entry level then you can partner up with me and my advanced materials later. So it is a win win deal. You get good stuff, I help you make some money and you take some of that money and buy my stuff later.
So here's the deal:
If you want to learn:
**A secret technique to get another check in the mail every month
**7 ways to retire before you are too old to enjoy it
**How to save yourself from corporate burnout
**The best way to finally break free and spend more time with your family
**How to save big money on taxes
If any of that sounds good to you then go ahead and sign up for my FREE email newsletter on how to make money online. In it I show you the step by step process on how to pick a niche market, how to write a webpage, how to publish a webpage, how to generate free traffic to your webpage, and how to turn your webpage traffic in to a passive and continuous income that keeps coming and coming regardless of whether you work on your business in any given month or not.
So go ahead and fill out your name and email below to receive your first issue immediate along with my bonus checklist “How To Make Money Online In 7 Easy Steps”
Your email will be used for one thing only and that is to teach you how to make money online (I hate SPAM too!)